Our Services

JPM provides the highest returns, the greatest values, and the least risk since we show a high of experience by running other services:

Financial Services that manages banking, insurance, risk, finance and regulation. 

Deep Cleaning Services with a professional team of various backgrounds, strong
management and years of experience in cleaning.

Building Services, includes engineering and construction. Providing the best deals for building materials such as wood, metal and raw material.

Design Service including architectural design and interior design. Providing goods such as toilets, showers, heaters, and all interior furnishings and finishing.

Transportation Services that provides consultancy in transporting and clearing commodities in and out of Lebanon.

Management Services managing properties , building operations and maintenance , property accounting and financial reporting , contract management and construction management . 

We care for our clients; attention and a commitment to excellence in every face of our business is a ritual we always preserve.
Our commitment to quality will guarantee our clients’ satisfaction.

JPM International provides the ultimate experience to a luxury lifestyle - “A Higher Form Of Reality”